mitch woodward

Where have all the websites gone?

Jason Velazquez

My Thoughts:

The internet is an amazing place full of cool content. This list is inspired by this post, and contains some things that inspire me, intrigue me, or I simply find cool.

The Cult of Done Manifesto

Bre Pettis & Kio Stark

My Thoughts:

I should really write something here... but I guess I will do it later.

We Don't Sell Saddles Here

Stewart Butterfield

My Thoughts:

Build something people want, whether they know it or not.

General Magic (2019)

Gravitas Films

My Thoughts:

The iPhone was ivented in the early 90s, but it was a flop without the internet.

Notes on a Roadtrip

Josh Miller

My Thoughts:

Tell a story. Even corporate values can be made interesting with a good one.